Health and safety policy statement
This is a statement of MY Construction & Carpentry Limited Health and Safety Policy following the requirements established in Section 2 of the Health and Safety at work etc. Act, 1974. This policy and the organisation also adopt the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, and other legal or voluntary requirements.
This policy is applicable to employees and all persons whose presence is necessary at MY Construction & Carpentry Limited premises, construction sites or workplaces. This includes Sub-contractors, self-employed persons and visitors.
The Organisation including Senior Management is committed to:
- Ensuring the Health, Safety and welfare of all its employees’ by assessing and evaluating, eliminating and reducing known and foreseeable risks and hazards associated with or arising from tasks or operations undertaken by MY Construction & Carpentry Limited, and applying suitable and sufficient controls.
- Providing and maintaining safe; access to and from work, working environment, plant, equipment, property, material or product, applying suitable and adequate measures to safeguard employees and so far, as reasonably practicable ensure absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of them.
- Encouraging the participation and involvement of employees in the development, implementation and revision of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, giving opportunity for individual and collective involvement and contribution, directly or through their representatives.
- Identifying and complying with all relevant Statutory Legislation, Common Law and Approved Codes of Practice in line with the organisation’s activities regarding Health and safety, as well as other voluntary requirements assumed by the organisation.
- Promoting training, supervision and optimizing employee knowledge and information at all levels of function in the organisation, in the pursuit of effective and efficient Health and safety.
- Maintaining the continual development and improvement of the Health and Safety Management System and its effectiveness in all areas covered by it.
- Ensuring adequate funds and resources will be provided as is reasonably necessary to ensure this policy can be successfully implemented.
Employees are required to cooperate with MY Construction & Carpentry Limited to ensure their personal safety, the safety of others that may be affected by their activities, and to report to management any dangers that could potentially cause harm.
The Health and safety policy is an accepted responsibility of Yoav Tal of MY Construction & Carpentry Limited, who will ensure it is relevant, appropriate, reviewed and updated, taking into account any operational experiences, changes in Legislation or the nature and range of activities of MY Construction & Carpentry Limited as often as appropriate.
This Health and Safety policy, (including any revisions), shall be communicated to all employees, displayed on company notice boards and also communicated to clients and suppliers via our website, making it available to all stakeholders.
For and on behalf of MY Construction & Carpentry Limited,
Yoav Tal
Mr Yoav Tal Date: 1st February 2021